Hands Free Massage Training
Involve your whole body in a massage dance - optimise your massage skills by mastering body-dynamic working. Learn powerful, nurturing and effective relaxation, deep tissue, acupressure and trigger release techniques that will transform the way you work whilst protecting your body from injury and ensuring a long and productive massage career.
Hands Free Techniques are an essential part of any therapist’s toolbox - whether you are newly qualified or have been working as a therapist for many years, we can adjust this training to suit you. Some therapists join because they are experiencing soreness or repetitive strain in the way they are working, others because they don’t have the deep tissue skills required for their working practice, and some because they have a specific injury or ailment they need to ‘work around’.
This course is taught fluidly, in small groups, ensuring that you leave feeling confident knowing how to ensure your body stance and use of hands free tools are the correct ones for you and your body. Your clients will love you for attending this course!
If you would like to discuss your individual needs before booking, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our aim is to provide a safe, inclusive and welcoming space for all.
Upcoming Level 1 Hands Free Massage Courses in Edinburgh:
23rd-24th November 2024, 9.45am to 5.30pm with an hour’s lunch break
5th-6th April 2025, 9.45am to 5.30pm with an hour’s lunch break
21st-22nd June 2025, 9.45am to 5.30pm with an hour’s lunch break
13th-14th September 2025, 9.45am to 5.30pm with an hour’s lunch break
Course cost:
£280 and this includes VAT and a comprehensive set of photographic course handouts
We are happy to accept payment in instalments over 6-8 months.
Class size:
We limit the course to 8 therapists to ensure a friendly and supportive group and tailored tuition.
Courses are run by Juan Mases and Krista Black.